Welcome 2011; The Movement Continues...

Happy New Year Readers! We're so ready for 2011 (and probably the same with you).  The work of the TrustTheVote Project in particular, and the Foundation in general grew steadily this year, as has awareness and knowledge of our efforts to create an open source elections technology framework.  Our mission to make elections technology tantamount to "critical democracy infrastructure" was significantly advanced in 2010 thanks to far too many individuals to mention here (but especially a deep appreciation to our Foundation Advisers including Mitch Kapor and Debra Bryant, as well as the folks at O'Reilly Media).  And we expect this effort to become a movement in 2011.

The Foundation achieved several objectives this year in terms of the heavy lifting to design and develop software components of the elections technology framework, mostly addressing the Ballot Design Studio, Ballot Generator, and Elections Management System.

On tap for 2011 are two major initiatives for which we are securing funding now:

  1. The Digital Poll Book; and
  2. The Tabulator.

Stay tuned for exciting news about both of those major 2011 projects.  We also plan several conference speaking engagements in 2011, starting with the 2011 Overseas Vote Foundation's UOCAVA Summit, which we are proud to be sponsoring again this February coming in Washington D.C.  And watch for us at GOSCON, OSCON, Gov2.0 and other important gatherings as well as election technology specific events including IEEE and NIST workshops.

We look forward to your continued advice, engagement, and support in 2011.

On behalf of the Core Architecture Team including Pito, Ann, Jeff, John, Alexsey, and Tom, and the Foundation Ops Team including Sarah, Matt, Tom, Bill, Barb, and myself, we wish you a prosperous and healthy 2011.

Happy New Year All!


2011: A Look Ahead; Another Glance Back


"Where Are the Vote Counts?" From New York to Ivory Coast