By-Mail Voting Survives 2020
Future Expansion Remains an Open Debate
Emma Ricchetti
2020-2021 Intern
Executive Summary
In the midst of a global pandemic complicating a national election, the electoral process had to be modified to accommodate a safe alternative to voting in person. This paper examines the expanded use of by-mail voting to address the crisis, and the restrictive (some would say “suppressive”) challenges it faced under the guise of securing the integrity of the election. It highlights by-mail voting restrictions imposed at the federal, state, and local levels of government. This paper is intended to inform the general public—laypersons—on the general process of by-mail voting, along with shedding light on the challenges it endured this election season. This election taught that by-mail voting, as implemented across the country in 2020, is a remarkably effective and resilient means of ensuring voter participation.
Editor’s Note:
Ms. Ricchetti, an exemplary college bound student, earned an internship with the Institute’s Citizen Outreach Team and has ended up also interning with our Government Relations Team. She is the first high school senior in the Institute’s 16-year history to earn an internship. This essay is part of her assignment to develop content for an audience of her peers and other laypersons who are new to understanding the processes of elections.