News & Insights
We’re Making History in Real Time.
Our timely insights share informed perspectives on the rapidly evolving story of Election Technology, as it unfolds.
Response Letter to POLITICO Article on Critical Election Infrastructure
Below is a letter sent to Tim Starks and Cory Bennett of POLITICO, who cover cyber-security issues. There seems to be some fundamental misunderstandings of the challenges local election officials (LEOs) face, the process by which the equipment is qualified for deployment (albeit decrepit archaic technology by today's standards), what the vulnerabilities are (and are not), and why a designation of "critical infrastructure" is an important consideration. We attempt to address some of those points in this response to Tim's otherwise really good coverage....
Making Elections Data Open Data: The Sequel
Today, members of the Core Team are in Vail, Colorado at the IACREOT Conference to unveil the next phase of VoteStream, the elections results and reporting subsystem of our Open Source Election Technology Framework. This is an awesome day, and we owe a great deal of thanks to the Knight Foundation for continuing to support this important part of the Framework.
Driving Online Voter Registration Data Standards
We're helping the formation of a new study group regarding online voter registration data and protocol standards. This week, we're getting started. You need not be a geek or a member of the standards working groups or any kind of a techie to get involved. Here's the opportunity to engage...
How to Link Driving Records with Voting Records
Linking DMV and Voter records is not as complicated as one might assume. Our Chief Technology Officer offers some insight to the simple steps required and some comments about the effort being more about process than product.
Advancing Election Data Standards: View From the Trenches
Elections data standards are essential to delivering real innovation. The annual Election Data Standards meeting opened today in Los Angeles, CA. We thought we'd give you an overview of just what in the hec this is about and why its essential to creating a voting experience that's easy, convenient, and dare we say delightful. Dry? Kinda. But a peek at the real in the trenches work we're doing. Yep.